5 Great Reasons Why You Should Get Your Kids to Play Golf

In an era of Minecraft and Netflix, it’s becoming more vital than ever for children to get active to stay healthy.

That’s easier said than done of course. It can be difficult to get them excited about exercise and being outdoors. Moreover, many sports can be too physically demanding and expose them to injuries. The true challenge lies in finding a physical activity or sport that they’ll enjoy.


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Thankfully, there are options available that offer kids a safe outlet for their competitive spirit. Playing golf, for instance, can have powerful and long-lasting effects on your kid’s development.

Keep reading to discover the top reasons why you will want to enroll your child in golf lessons.

Amazing Reasons Why You Should Get Your Kids Playing Golf

Here are five reasons you will want to encourage your children to play golf.

1. It’s Challenging in a Secure Way 

Golf may not seem demanding, but making a ball fly across the green accurately is harder than it looks. Golfers need to put in a lot of practice to get their swing just right.

As an individual sport, it offers young players the opportunity to receive one-on-one mentoring. This, in turn, favours efficient and guided development for children who play regularly. Furthermore, since there’s no physical contact, unlike football or hockey, your child risk injury. This means there’s no need to buy protective gear. A pair of comfortable golf shoes and appropriate clothes paired with the proper equipment and a healthy amount of sunscreen is all they need.

2. It’s a Low-Intensity Workout 

Golf may not be physically demanding, but players without a golf cart and/or caddy still need to carry their bag and walk the course. This forces them into a low-intensity workout. Children can easily carry a small bag holding a few clubs on a 9-hole par-3 course without overtaxing their small bodies. Furthermore, it allows them to spend time away from their various screens and get fresh air.

3. It Can Hone Their Future Business Skills 

This might sound funny, especially if your children are very young and the grown-up business world seems far off. But playing golf will teach them etiquette, decision-making, planning, using strategies and working with numbers. These can all translate into marketable skills in the work and business world.

Plus, many companies encourage their employees to play golf and use the game to bond with clients or as an out-of-office meeting. Even if it’s years away, your child will surely have a leg up in the business world if they start playing the game early.

4. It Teaches Discipline and Responsibility

Golf has many rules. By enrolling your child early, you give them a chance to be introduced to these rules at a pace that matches their abilities. Learning to follow them teaches children to do the same in other aspects of their life too, such as in school or at home. They learn responsibility by carrying and looking after their own equipment, along with showing up on time so they don’t miss tee times.

5. They Can Make Lifelong Friendships

Any club or sport for children can inspire them and give them the opportunity to make friends. The nature of golf encourages this.

Since it’s possible to play the game at an easy pace, it allows children to talk to each other. (This is precisely why it’s a great forum for conducting business meetings too.) Golfers encourage each other as they go, empathize with each other if someone gets a bad score, and celebrate the good scores together. This makes it a good activity to bond over and creates memories that can result in lasting friendships. Children playing together on golf teams experience tight bonds and often make lifelong friends.

Golf is a challenging and competitive sport that can impart many life lessons to children. It’s a great way to get them physically active while being in a safe environment. It’s a sport they’re likely to enjoy, and with so many benefits to offer, there’s no time like the present to get them started. If you’re in search of junior golf lessons for your kids, get in touch with us and allow our experts to create the best program for your child.