When it comes to golf clubs, one size does not fit all.
Indeed, there are various factors related to your club that impact your game. Your height, arm length, swing path, clubhead speed, and angle of attack all decide which club a golfer should use. And if you are not investing in the right equipment, you will not achieve the right results.
Too many golfers use outdated clubs with heavy irons that don’t allow for consistent shot-making. Or, their shafts are too stiff, so the ball will fly low, even on good swings.
That’s why properly-fitted equipment is so important to striking your ball higher and further.
In this post, we discuss the importance of getting fitted golf clubs to improve your golf game, as recommended by the experts who conduct our Oakville golf lessons.
Let’s get started.
Reasons to Get Your Golf Clubs Fitted
Have you practiced your swing hundreds of times but are still not seeing significant improvement? The problem could be your swing – or it could be your equipment.
Having clubs that properly fit your swing can help correct a flaw or poor ball flight without changing your swing. It can also have an immediate and profound impact on your scoring ability.
Getting fitted golf clubs offers major benefits to both beginner and pro golfers. It also adds confidence to your overall abilities.
More Efficient Strikes
For golfers who hit off-center, the problem could be your swing. Or, your club may be the incorrect weight or shaft length for your particular strength or swing.
When you have the head and shaft of your club complement how you swing, you will drive the ball longer and straighter. A good club fitting will identify your common swing dynamics and set up the clubs so they work more effectively.
Your wedge game will also improve. And you will be able to check the loft on your wedges as well and make sure the loft gaps are consistent.
The club fitting approach ensures that whatever clubhead speed a player has, they are getting the most distance potential from it.
More Consistent Impact
A major advantage of club fitting is that it helps golfers find the equipment custom-made for the way they tend to impact the ball.
So, if you are continuously missing your clubface’s sweet spot (where the ball should hit for optimal results), it may be the club’s face angle that is to blame.
Fitting a club with the correct face angle for your swing can help curtail any tendencies to slice or hook. It can also help you avoid unintended errors and guide you towards hitting your target, creating a consistency that may result in better scores.
Golf has seen an evolution in clubs since its inception. Factors like aerodynamics, component weight, and better graphite shafts have allowed golfers to hit the ball longer, straighter and more consistently. So, having modern golf clubs that fit your swing will benefit you in the long run.
Correct Misdirection
Custom club fitting helps ensure that your ball does not deviate from its intended course. By conducting a simple lie board test, you can identify any directional issues you may have due to your irons and hybrids. Once you have a proper lie, it will make it easier to hit the ball more accurately.
Maximized Distance
A custom fitting will configure your clubs to provide an optimized ball launch angle and carry distance for each club based on your unique swing dynamics. The custom club loft, determined from studying how you tend to impact the ball, can help you drive it with an optimized launch angle. This yields the best possible distance for your swing speed.
Mid-handicap golfers significantly benefit from the improved distance and accuracy delivered by club fitting.
Saves You Money
Custom-fitted clubs are more expensive than a regular set. But buying the wrong clubs wastes your time playing with the wrong equipment. By buying fitted clubs, you ultimately save both time and money.
When golfers attempt to improve their score, they tend to keep buying different sets of clubs to see how they affect their game. But once you buy custom-fitted clubs, you don’t have to waste your money going through this trial-and-error process.
If you want to see an instant improvement in your golf game, enroll yourself in our Oakville golf lesson and get yourself a custom-fitted club to maximize your playing potential. To learn more about how to improve your swing game, contact Learn2Golf today.